Danielle Farmer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker from Los Angeles, CA. She attended the University of Southern California and obtained bachelor’s degrees in psychology and American studies and ethnicity. She subsequently joined Teach for America as an elementary school teacher and used her psychology background to support the academic and social emotional development of students in Harlem, New York. During this time, she obtained her master’s degree in education with an emphasis on childhood education from CUNY Hunter College. After her tenure as an educator, she moved back to her home state and continued her education at the University of California, Berkeley. She obtained her master’s degree in social welfare with a focus on child and family services. She served as a school based mental health practitioner for 8 years in schools in both San Francisco Unified School District as well as Los Angeles Unified School District. In these positions, she used clinical interventions, case management, training, and consultation to foster resiliency and wellness in children, families, educators, and mental health professionals. She is passionate about integrating mental health and social justice through the use of trauma-informed and anti-oppressive practices.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
If you or someone you know is in crisis, call: 1-800-273-8255
National Disaster Distress Helpline:
In distress because of a natural or human-caused disaster? Call for immediate counseling 24/7 at
1-800-985-5990 Or text TalkWithUs to 66746
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©2023 DMH + UCLA Public Mental Health Partnership
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